Less than a week and my ass is seriously out of here. I'm not feeling any angst, nervousness, or excitement. Well, that's not entirely true...I definitely am anticipating something. I am feeling mild stress of the gentlest kind. The stress stems from the pressure of needing to have everything be completed before departure for once I enter a vehicle for the drive to my local airport...that's it....no turning back....forgot to do or bring something?...too late, so too bad, too sad!
Send out income tax info for the next 2 years to tax guy? Check. Pay all bills? Check. Record important banking and insurance info to self? Check. Distribute friend's upcoming birthday gift? Not yet. Received Peace Corps reimbursement for yellow fever vaccination? Not yet. Go visit dog one last time? Need to be on To Do List.
Fendi and I continue to have our nightly Skype session and I fit in daily lunch and dinner dates with friends and family. I have gained much weight since I returned home 3 months ago from my travel. I am pigging out to make up for what I didn't eat for the past nearly 8 months and for what I won't be eating for the next 27 months. If I am at home for meals, mum feeds me more refined food such as seafood, including but not limited to lobster, clams, King Crab legs, and honker shrimps. She feeds me filet mignon as If I was a viscious Doberman guard dog that needs to be rewarded and pampered. She takes me out on sushi binges where we eat like there is no tomorrow. Technically, for me, that's perhaps not totally inaccurate. A sushi lunch cost half of my Peace Corps monthly stipend. Two orders of the sweet shrimp is $30. It only takes one mouthful of bite to eat one. Two for mum, two for me. We asked that the head of the shrimps be cooked in the miso soup. We basically order everything raw in the fish case. We've exhausted the sushi world.
At times, Mum would shake her head in disbelief and bewilderment why I wouldn't prefer to chose to travel in a luxurious comfortable way. Why would I elect myself to live under harsh condition? Like who the hell actually gets excited expecting no electricity and running water for 820 days? I just give her the same goofy face and present the same spiel...it'll be a great experience for myself and especially to be able to help others.
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