For the upcoming Mount Everest hike and traveling 6 months in India, I gave Raffy permission again to butcher my hair. What was once upon a time a long, thick, and wavy hairstyle...the epitome of femininity, is now short and borderline butch. What I will be doing is not conducive to high beauty maintenance and moreover, for my protection and safety, it is best not to attract male attention so by design, I am altering my appearance as not to appear beautiful. My hair was a strong part of my physical identity: ultra long, highlighted with caramel, slightly layered bedhead. It was a wash and go hairstyle, a most bohemian I-don't-give-a-shit-hippy-just-had-sex look that never saw a hair brush but both men and women loved it and found it sexy as I often hear it labeled as such. Ironically, out of sheer laziness, the appeal was its au naturel look. It looked effortless because that was exactly effort! Now I resemble a China town vest wearing FOB grandma or a European school kid with this very, very short bob. I feel like a feminine lesbian. Although not very pretty, I am absolutely fine with this unisex look. It's highly liberating and environmentally friendly as hair products and water will be consumed 75% less.
Over a month hiking Mount Everest with no shower, let alone hair washing, is a challenge for women. In India, electricity is sketchy and hot water is a luxury and lice a reality. This is why my locks are gone. Chop, cut, and snip...hasta la vista's comfort and convenience over beauty and attention. Also, I am preparing that should I live in a mud hut or a yurt, hair has got to be something not in the forefront of my consciousness. Some places have no electricity and running water therefore hot rollers, flattening iron and other hair accoutrement are all futile items in these part of the world. In a way, I'm "practicing" this lifestyle of anti fashion.
Chopping the hair was the best decision ever. I only took 3 showers within the 38 days of trekking Everest. |
I wonder if a very short bob will look good in Indian garb as the women there all have long braided hairstyles. I realized I just made a fashion move very different from their customary look. Did I just now contradicted the whole intention? Oops....
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